thanks for your response. No, I don't take any social media personally, but a few points on our back and forth. I have a MA in Economics, am intimate with all the points you reference and program power for a living. Average wages are only for economists. Nobody ever walks in and says "Pay me the average wage" and are not indicative of any particular market. You need a market to determine a wage. For seasonally adjusted inflation, well, that is a gross misnomer. Take the auto industry where inflation is rampant at this point and shortages are real. I haven't needed to buy a car in years. Neither has the person who can't afford the $400 to fix it. Those weighted averages again reflect a scant few of the real population - which is why so many lives are disconnected and upended from policy that is statistically driven. I buy those stats only if I want to do some sort of macro analysis. None of them pertain to the real world except to collective bargain or make a policy that rarely matches reality. We can go back and forth on abstract numbers, but if you believe there is no labor shortage out there right now, we are in a place of stark contrast. If you don't believe competition for workers is sharp, we are in stark contrast. I have been trying to hire tech workers for 5 years. I can tell you none are available and the door revolves extremely fast. I have two dozen restaurant friends and owners - they are all short-handed. This is no longer about staying home. How many months do you think a family of 4 can last on the stimulus? Probably not more than 6 before they get hungry. I like a lot of your logic. It is more academia than the real world and that is great. Green revolution - wasn't my point. Try and get some young kids to go into a career of digging oil wells or driving trucks. I don't see that happening. My point on automation - long term it saves you labor. Short-term it squeezes it if you if an applicant needs to invest in it. Am I going to spend $40k on education to go into a field that will be obsolete in 5 years? Never going to happen. I've spent a life listening to economists. It is hit or miss.None of them forecasted what is going on right now.