first - I'm a white guy. some of your points I agree with and others not so much. Tattoos? I'm a biker and their is some notion that if I pull up in my bike I will eat you. I have never partaken in that. White priviledge - yes for sure. White ignorance of race - many times yes. I grew up in the 70s and 80s. A name not a pete or jane was a flag. Non-white names in a metro area - not so much but like a tattoo - what's in a name does trigger some speculation - especially in the age of the lockdown. The crime stats are certainly problematic and taking advantage of minority communities to cite environmentally unfriendly activies - hell yah. the real question is how can multiracial people approach each other with the questions that need to be discussed? and yeah, i grew up across from a fire station. It had its moments. nice article.